Why do people "feel good"?

Why do people "feel good"?

Oct 17, 2023

"How are you?"
"I feel good!"

It's a common exchange between people.
But what are we really saying with the word "good". And are we really feeling that way or just answering quick and easy?

We do want to authentically "feel good".
But why?

We seek to feel good because it's a fundamental human drive rooted in evolutionary psychology. Positive emotions are adaptive, promoting survival and well-being.

People can feel good for many different reasons, and the specific reasons can vary depending on the individual and the situation. Some common reasons people may feel good include:

Positive experiences: People feel good when they have positive experiences, such as spending time with loved ones, achieving a goal, or doing something they enjoy.

Physical sensations: People can also feel good due to physical sensations, such as pleasure from eating something delicious, getting a massage, or experiencing physical touch.

Chemical reactions: Certain chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine and endorphins, can also cause people to feel good. These chemicals are often released when a person experiences pleasure or accomplishment, leading to feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

Sense of accomplishment: People may feel good when they achieve something they have been working towards or when they receive recognition for their hard work.

Positive mindset: People who have a positive outlook on life and focus on the good things in their lives are more likely to feel good than those who have a negative mindset.

Feeling good is a complex and multifaceted experience that can be influenced by a variety of factors. "Feeling good" motivates us to seek rewarding experiences, connect with others, and engage in behaviors that contribute to our physical and psychological health, ultimately enhancing our overall life satisfaction.

Are you just answering the question with simple words, or are you truly finding ways to "feel good"?

If you're not sure, let's chat.
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