Target your body systems.

Target your body systems.

Mar 07, 2021

How are you feeling today? By identifying specific body systems and/or organs needing support, we can be targeted when we reach for our oils!. This is a list doTerra recommends to us for each system! such an amazing way to think of TOTAL wellness..

Being intentional with our decisions will give us the results we want., Choose any additional essential oils to enhance your daily wellness plan, customize for yourself, and see the results. Also, because our oils are natural and pure, they can be layered and alternated throughout the day....


Direct body through hormone secretion, hypothalamus, thalamus, pineal, pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal

• doTERRA On Guard®

• Lemongrass

• Slim & Sassy®

• Frankincense

• Rosemary


Production of emotion, hypothalamus, thalamus, etc.

• doTERRA Balance®

• doTERRA Serenity®

• Peppermint

• Lavender

• Frankincense

• Rose Touch


Sinuses, lungs, trachea

• doTERRA Breathe®

• Peppermint

• Eucalyptus

• Cardamom

• Lemon

• doTERRA On Guard®


Protection of normal body function; thymus, spleen, lymphatic system, glands, ducts, tonsils

• doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®

• doTERRA On Guard®

• Lemon

• DDR Prime®

• Thyme


Produce and store urine; eliminate toxins and waste through the kidneys and bladder

• Zendocrine®

• Zendocrine® Softgels

• Juniper Berry

• Geranium

• Lemon


Supports organs and body movement; bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, tendons

• AromaTouch®

• Lemongrass

• Wintergreen

• Deep Blue®

• Deep Blue® Rub

• Siberian Fir


Protects body; sensation and elimination through the largest organ—skin

• Immortelle

• Sandalwood

• Veráge® Skin Care

• doTERRA Salon Essentials® Hair Care


Collect, transfer, and process information, communication; brain, spinal column, nerves

• Frankincense

• xEO Mega®

• Bergamot

• DDR Prime®

• Patchouli

• Copaiba


Moves nutrients, gases, and waste to and from cells; heart, blood, arteries, veins, valves

• AromaTouch®

• Alpha CRS+®

• xEO Mega®

• Ylang Ylang

• Peppermint

• Neroli Touch


Breakdown and absorption of food; mouth, teeth, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, intestines, colon, appendix

• DigestZen TerraZyme®

• Fennel

• DigestZen®

• Ginger

• Peppermint


Ovaries, uterus, breasts, testes, prostate

• Clary Calm®

• Melaleuca

• Phytoestrogen Essential Complex

• Rosemary

• Spikenard

WOW, that's an exhaustive list!

Start slow and add in oils one at a time. Share with us what you've tried.

Learn more about each oil through your member account.

And you may be thinking you have friends or family who need these oils. If you want to share the idea of oils for body support with your friends, family and coworkers, reach out to me for the next Essential Oils Made Easy class, and to learn the doTerra business life....the team is growing and we are looking for a few passionate oil lovers to join us on this impactful journey.  

Be well!

Munisha xx