Strengths FOCUS for your 2021...

Strengths FOCUS for your 2021...

Dec 30, 2020

It's been a tricky year. I'm ready for a new start, and so using the Clifton Strengths test assessment is a great way to guide and use the best qualities of a person as we grow our teams in 2021, let's use their strengths to get stronger. From empowered success on the doTerra blog, we will use the following as a great guide.

"The start of a new year is an excellent time to revisit goals and make plans. This year, put your greatest strengths to work for you! Each strength has amazing potential, but there are things you need to watch out for. As you begin the year, see how your strengths can help you build your team and reach your goals, as well as get advice for avoiding pitfalls.



Set high goals this year! There’s no end to what you can achieve. But pay attention to your expectations of others this month. You might find yourself getting frustrated with your team for not meeting your own—possibly unrealistic—expectations.



Now is a good time to get your team going! You like diving into things right away. This month, however, take some time to weigh out the options and possibilities first. Ask your team for input.



At the beginning of the year, there’s always stuff happening and things changing. Live in the moment. Be sure to give your team structure and stability this month, though. You like adjusting to things as they happen, but take the time ask yourself if it’d be better to see a plan through.



What do you want to change this year in order to reach your goals? Are there legs you need to pay more attention to? Be careful with how you communicate with your team and customers. You prefer a fact-based approach, but this might come off as harsh to others.



Embrace all the things you’ve got going this year. You excel at multitasking, so lean into that. You’re amazing at rearranging and keeping things fluid, but this can make it hard for your team to keep track of priorities. Explain your plans and goals so that everyone is on the same page and doesn’t get distracted.



Your beliefs are strong and powerful. You’re able to inspire those around you, and the beginning of the year is a good time for you to do so. This month, make sure you always respect others’ beliefs, especially when they differ from yours. Help your team feel confident in their own decisions and opinions.



You command a strong presence. Use that natural ability to inspire and uplift your team at the start of the year. Be aware that your decisiveness can intimidate others. Find ways to connect with your leaders that make them feel confident, not intimidated.



Your team looks to you for direction. Communicate the goals for the year and make sure everyone understands what they must do. Avoid overcommunicating, though. Don’t overwhelm your team with information. Be selective with the things you convey.



This year will be your best yet! Kick your competitive drive into action by setting goals and using others as a benchmark. You love competition, but people on your team might not. Find ways to get everyone on board without making them nervous or worried about letting you or themselves down.



Use your connectedness talent to build bridges within your team. Help everyone feel united in working toward goals and show them how this approach benefits everyone. You know everything is connected, so you tend to downplay others’ misfortunes. When people tell you about their worries, don’t tell them that “it all happens for a reason.” Let them vent and express themselves.



Your team always knows where they stand with you, making it a safe place to be. When new people join your team, help them know you’ll treat them like everyone else (which a good thing). Don’t forget that everyone is different, though, and you might need to individualize your approach. Take time this month to decide the best way to work with different people and personalities.



Look back on the last year to figure out what worked well. You know how to learn from the past and avoid making repeat mistakes. Don’t fall into the trap of always doing things the way they've been done before. Listen to your team and make changes as needed.



Take time making plans for this year. Listen, evaluate, and then act. You have a hard time making decisions, so give yourself a timeline for implementing a plan.



Let your inner developer go crazy this year! Pick members of your team whom you think have amazing potential. Help leaders grow and develop, but don’t force them. Some people don’t want help. Focus on the people on your team who truly want to grow.



Structure, structure, structure. If there’s something you do well, it’s bringing organization to everything you do. Help your team establish routines this new year. This month, though, challenge yourself by straying from the structure when needed. Surprises will inevitably come up, both good and bad. If you need to change course, do it.



You know what people are feeling without them telling you. Trust your instincts this month when you interact with others. Be careful that you don’t get bogged down in their emotions, because that can make it difficult for you to focus on what needs to be done.



Two words: laser focus. You keep your team on track and heading toward goals. You don’t care how many times you need to restate a goal, as long as it helps you get there. Don’t get so focused on the goal that you forget what’s actually going on around you. This month, look up and see who needs your help.



You have a vision for the future, and it needs to be shared! Help your team see what they’ll accomplish this year and paint a vivid picture. The future is so exciting that you might forget the present. Touch base with all your leaders this month and make sure they’re on track for all the wonderful things ahead.



You’re a conflict detector. Use your sixth sense to locate pain points in your organization this month. If you address them early, you can stop them from becoming major problems. But be aware that sometimes you need a little conflict in order to clear the air. Don’t run away from it—let your team tell you what’s on their minds.



You’ve got big ideas for the coming year! Go for it—even the unconventional ones. But be aware that your out-of-the-box ideas might cause some uncertainty on your team. It’s important for you to explain your ideas and the logic behind them.



You know how to get the best ideas and opinions from your team. Members knows they have a voice, which will give you an excellent buy-in when you lay out goals for the coming year. It’s easy to overcomplicate things by incorporating everyone’s input, though. This month, decide what needs to be included and what doesn’t.



You have a gift for knowing what makes individuals unique and powerful. Use that gift to help your team see what they do best. You tend to know way more about others than they know about you. Be sure you keep communication on a two-way street and let others get to know you as well.



You’re extremely informed. Use that gift to establish credibility with your team. You might find that you don’t share the information and insights you have. If that’s the case, make a conscious effort to share details with your team this month so that everyone is on the same page.



Put your intellection to work this month. Make a strong plan for 2020. Think through your decisions carefully and map your route to success. If you tend to do your thinking alone, find ways to connect with others afterward. Run ideas past people and get input. Doing so will make your plans more effective.



Treat yourself to learning and development this month. Is there a class you’ve been wanting to take or a book you want to read? Invite and encourage your team to join you in self-development activities, but don’t pressure them. Some people aren’t as into this as you.



Set your sights high this year! Pick an aspect of the business you want to work on—gathering referrals, following up, LRP enrollment—and then turn it into the best part of your business. Be careful that you don’t become critical of your team if they don’t reach your exact standards. Look for the best in them.



Start the year off on a positive note. You know how to make others feel excited and energized. Use your natural enthusiasm to get your team on board with whatever plans you have for the new year. Resist the urge to flatter and compliment if you don’t mean it. False praise can be as damaging as criticism.



You’re great at relationships. This month, focus on building a relationship with one of your team members. This could be someone you aren’t as close with, or maybe somebody who needs help getting his or her business to take off. As you do this, be sure that you don’t come off as clique-y. Make sure everyone feels welcome.



Your team trusts you. Your responsibility strength means people can rely on you, because you never let them down. Use that trust as you lead your team this year! Be careful to not overcommit, though. You have a hard time saying no, and sometimes that means you struggle with letting your team say no. Be respectful of what you ask them to do.



You have a knack for finding problems. When things go wrong, you get to the root of the situation. Make it a priority to not let any issues go unresolved. This will make your team more effective. Just know that your sixth sense for problems can come across as pessimistic and negative to your team. Do your best to keep things cheerful!



Confidence—you have tons of it. Use that confidence to bolster your leaders’ beliefs in themselves. Set a goal to empower everyone on your team. However, watch out for your tendency to value your own opinion over others. Help your team feel heard and valued.



You want to make a difference. Harness that inner drive to help your team stand a little taller, feel a bit prouder, and accomplish more than they thought possible. Together, you can make an impact. Don’t get blinded by your own accomplishments, though. Make it your goal to celebrate your leaders’ successes!



You always have a Plan B in case things don’t go how they should. Use your strategic ability to keep your team moving forward when there are setbacks. A potential drawback of your strategic strength is biases. You have a plan and a way to get things done—challenging your own point of view, however, can make a plan stronger.



Use your woo to get your team working together this year. You have a gift for getting people out of their shells and talking to each other. When you turn on the charm, be careful that you stay sincere, or people might start to feel that you aren’t genuine. Be aware of this and work to build trust with your leaders."

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