Officiency while working from home

Officiency while working from home

Mar 07, 2021


-office efficiency -

"the ability to finish an office task without wasting too much time or energy"

It's gone global! So many of us are home during these crazy times, it’s important to set the environment up for comfort and success for ourselves and for our kids that are homeschooling. 

Keep these ideas in mind....

Commit to STRUCTURE! start by getting up at the SAME time, and decide on the time you will start working, it will set your tone for the day. On the other end of the day, decide when you are done working for the day. Make it a hard stop if you can. And now with all of us at home, it's important to encourage family in the home to do the same so your day flows together.

Get DRESSED! It may seem like an unnecessary thought, but it going to be important to put yourself into a mindset to work...because that what you're doing, you are going to work! And how fun will it be when you're home from work (ie, done working for the day), and you get to change into your favorite leisurewear.

Create a PROFESSIONAL space! where are you "working at home"? It would be ideal if you can dedicate a space in your home as “office space” to keep yourself in a zone. With everyone at home, it may be hard to find that place. Maybe it's just a corner in a room. If you put up a vision board with your tasks for the day/week/ can call it your office!

Minimize DISTRACTIONS! This is a tough one with everyone at home. Start by think it out and working backwards - what is distracting you? Can the kids do an activity while you are on a call? Can you use a blocker for sites you “browse” too often during the workday? Can you wear sound cancelling headphones and zone into work? Less distractions - more productive!

Find your MOTIVATION to optimize your workday, and use the environment around you to help you FOCUS your brain! Using aromatherapy changes the ambiance of the room, if we can alter our environment to inspire us in different ways, we can be more focused on the task at hand. Setting up a diffuser with your favorite balancing and focusing oils is simple and effective. Use your vision board, either on the wall, in a table frame, or on your desktop - display your motivational mantras, knowing that you can go back to them anytime your mind wanders from responsibility. Use tools online to keep you organized and efficient - what are your favorites to make your workday flow better. Are you always looking up the same fact or passwords? Make them easier to access!

Take your BREAKS! With most of us setting up our virtual offices inside the home, it can become a lost loop of groundhog days....sleep, eat, work at the office may not be our first choice! So take breaks to re-energize - take a walk! get some vitamin D! Maybe there's a time you don't need your you documents outside in the backyard or on the balcony, listen to the next call while walking or find a podcast to keep you engaged. Don’t forget to eat - keep fruits and healthy snacks in your desk space. Have an idea in morning what you'll have for lunch. Maybe take your lunch into the backyard. AND, incase you forget, keep a glass of water and a water jug around you at all times. Flavor with invigorating oils..pour yourself a glass when you have a long pause or thought - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate your body and brain!

JOIN your conference calls! Join your team meetings. Comment. Interact. Smile. Set up private calls. Add in a few minutes before the meeting to say hello and talk about the craziness of working from home. Because it's a mindset - you’re not in this quarantine life/workplace alone…

Being intentional about the work day or the school day is important! We are all trying our best under these unprecedented times. 

What are you favorite work at home tips or homeschooling ideas??? 

I'm into week 12 and will take any advice.....GOOD LUCK everyone!