My top 3 recipes for the weekend

My top 3 recipes for the weekend

Mar 07, 2021

Anyone else in a food rut this weekend? I am tired of all my usual go-tos. And then there's the 3 meals a day thing for my kids! I mean, we do some take-away, but the control side of me wants to know EXACTLY what is going into my mouth!

And if I can cook with extra benefits of essential oil wellness....well, I'm even more ahead of the game! 

So the internet is full of recipes, but for simplicity,I'm searching the doTerra blog for some ideas for the weekend. WOW you need to do this too!!! I've picked my 3 and posted below!

There are SO MANY ideas...what are you finding that you want to try?

MY TOP 3 for this weekend:


NUMBER 1: COCONUT LEMONGRASS LENTIL SOUP, take me back to Thailand!!!

Warm and satisfying, this soup is great for any occasion.


2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 large onions, peeled and chopped

4 cloves garlic finely chopped or pressed

1 tablespoons fresh ginger root, minced

1–2 drops Lemongrass oil

4 tablespoons tomato paste

4 carrots, peeled and chopped

4 tablespoons curry powder

1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

8 cups vegetable broth

2 cans coconut milk

4 cups fresh tomatoes, chopped

3 cups dried red lentils

4–6 handfuls baby spinach

Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat coconut oil over medium heat; add onion, garlic, and fresh ginger. Cook until onion is translucent then add carrots and sauté five to seven minutes.
  2. Add tomato paste, curry powder, and red pepper flakes; cook for another one to two minutes stirring constantly until all vegetables are coated and flavors combined.
  3.  Add vegetable broth, coconut milk, diced tomatoes, and lentils. Cover and bring to a boil on medium high heat; reduce to simmer (low heat).
  4. Add Lemongrass essential oil and cook for approx. 30 minutes until lentils are cooked through. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Add spinach and stir until wilted.
  6. Garnish with one tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro and one tablespoon sour cream.

Tip: Add some brown sugar for a sweeter curry taste.


NUMBER 2: QUINOA DILL SUMMER SALAD, summer cool for the humid days...

Not keen on quinoa? This salad will change your mind. The fresh, savory flavors are wholesome and rejuvenating. It is the perfect healthy side dish for any gathering or lunches throughout the week.


2 cups uncooked quinoa

6 sweet baby bell peppers

4 mini cucumbers

1 pound cherry/grape tomatoes

½ cup feta cheese

¼ cup Greek olives

Dill Vinaigrette:

¾ cup apple cider vinegar

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

½ cup Greek yogurt

¼ teaspoon onion powder

¼ teaspoon garlic powder

2 drops Dill oil

1 pinch of salt


  1. Cook quinoa according to directions on pacakge and let cool
  2. Cut up all vegetables and combine with olives, cheese, and cooked quinoa
  3. Combine all dressing ingredients and blend together until smooth
  4. Toss salad with dressing and chill


NUMBER 3: GRILLED VEGGIE SKEWERS, cook outdoors... your body will thank you!

Whether you’re trying to make your family BBQ a little healthier, or you just need some variety in your summer menu, these Grilled Veggie Skewers with Pink Pepper essential oil are just the ticket. 

The best part of this recipe is choosing your favorite vegetables and then mixing and matching to make the ultimate skewer combination!

Best Vegetables for Grilling

  • Asparagus
  • Eggplant
  • Corn
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
  • Peppers
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Olive Oil


Your vegetables of choice

5-7 drops Pink Pepper oil

¼ cup olive oil



Tip: Soak wooden skewers in water for 20 minutes before grilling. Oil metal skewers to avoid food sticking.


  1. Add 5-7 drops of Pink Pepper essential oil into ¼ cup of olive oil and mix.
  2. Brush fresh veggies with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  3. Cook in closed grill over 350 to 400 (medium-high) heat turning occasionally for 4-10 minutes depending on the vegetable. Your goal is to achieve tender, slightly charred vegetables.


OK! So I've it out's like a commit right?!!

Want more recipes? Just go to the doTerra BLOG. Not sure where to find it, we will help you, just fill in the comments below.

Ok - Now just to be totally transparent, I'm a veggie lover and base my diet with a plant focus so these recipes will get me far far far in what my body needs..... BUT yes, I'm going to add to this meal - grilled chicken on the side for my boys who need to fulfill that part of their diet.  

So here's the thing. Using essential oils, doTerra essential oils only, in your cooking will give you healthy added benefits to your body!

Would you like the entire list of Certified Therapeutic Certified Grade doTerra COOKING OILS we recommend? Fill in your name and email address in the connect with me, fill in your request, and I will get a quick one pager out to you!


Eat HEALTHY and intentionally this weekend! your body will thank you.

Be well....

Munisha xx