Lives impacted! Healing Hands Foundation

Lives impacted! Healing Hands Foundation

Mar 07, 2021

Waking up in gratitude

I just signed the papers to make it official!

So, my hubby and I did something over this last month.

Besides our crazy relocation, we worked on a self reliance opportunity for those less fortunate than us.


After hosting the last 4 HOPE International Development Agency summer galas in the bay area...this year was a little when things don't go as normal, you pivot!

In partnership with Hope, doTERRA's Healing Hands Foundation, and our amazing personal community of supporters, we hit our goals and then some. 

We had a ZOOM gala and raised $26345 in personal community donations +$15000 doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation match + a bonus $10000 from our first ever supporter.

That's a sum of $51345 for Cambodian villages in need. 

Clean water wells, animal bank projects, microloans, sanitation and health & wellness education to impact the villages for generations to come...

Looking forward to when we can take our next trip to Cambodia to see the progress of projects. Thank you to all who supported our efforts. 

Do you want to be a part of something bigger? Pick your passion project, and let's make it happen. Reach out to me to find out how to run a successful Healing Hands Project. Let's celebrate the last 10 years of giving! 

May we always be fortunate to be able to give.

May we always have doTERRA to partner with us. 

May we always live in a way we can impact those less fortunate. 


Be well. 

