Just stay calm.

Just stay calm.

Feb 15, 2021

Stress impacts every aspect of your health and wellness. However, because it is intangible, you may not notice when you are under higher amounts of stress. That is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness refers to a heightened state of awareness of your body and mind. Recognizing stress and the way it can affect you is crucial to staying calm. As you practice mindfulness, you’ll be able to respond appropriately when stress levels rise. Here are seven ways to stay calm during stressful situations.

Think Before You React

More specifically, give yourself time to think before you react. Your mind may tend to spiral down invented narratives before you have evaluated a situation entirely. Rather than jumping to conclusions, gather as much information as you can about the situation so you can make effective decisions. Take a mental step back and think about the situation from a different perspective. You can ask yourself questions like, “What am I grateful for?” or “What strengths do I have that are suited to this situation?” Gathering information before you react can empower you to focus on solutions rather than the problem itself.

Stop Negative Thought Patterns

Negative thoughts tend to breed more negative thoughts. That is why it’s important to recognize them before they grow into patterns. Studies have consistently shown that rumination, the act of repetitively thinking about the distress associated with a problem or event, is linked to anxious feelings. When stressful situations arise, re-direct your thought patterns onto something positive. 

Meditation...The act of meditation was first practiced in India around 5,000 BC. Today, western scientists have demonstrated the benefits of meditation in various research publications. One such study, published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, showed that regular meditation reduced biological indicators of stress for the participants in the study group.

Support Your Health....If you’ve recently been through a crisis, or are currently dealing with an ongoing crisis, one of the most important things to do is to support your body’s physical health. Taking care of your physical health will give you an advantage as you respond to stress. A 2018 study demonstrated that participants who engaged in regular physical activity were able to stay relatively calm after being exposed to a stressful stimulus when compared to those that were not physically active. 

Stay Connected with a Friend...Whether or not they’re going through the same crisis as you are, a trusted friend can help diffuse the tension of a stressful situation as you support each other emotionally. One study conducted on nurses found that the strength of their friendships was the primary factor in their ability to control the stress of the job. When you notice your stress levels rising, pick up the phone and check-in with a friend.

Re-Create Your Routine...Often a crisis or stressful situation represents a significant change to your life and likely, your life’s routines. One way to cope with drastic changes in life is to create a new routine. Do you exercise in the morning? Do you walk the dog at night? What time do you make dinner? Making decisions about these things teaches your mind that you are in control of your mental and emotional state, even during stressful situations. 

Aromatherapy with Essential Oils...Scientists have studied aromatherapy’s benefits to emotional health for years. A recent study showed that diffusion of essential oils like lavender aided in reduced levels of reported stress in patients. You can also pair aromatherapy with other stress reduction techniques like meditation

The brain has a remarkable ability to change through experience. Neuroscientists call this concept brain plasticity. As you practice these techniques, your brain will adapt and it will be easier to stay calm during stressful situations whenever they arise.


Thank you doTerra blog for exactly what many of us need right now.

 I stay connected with friends all over the world and I'm grateful for my emotionally supportive oils! I'm meditating and supporting my health with nourishing foods and lots of vitamin D so I can come out of this chaotic world well. How are you taking care of yourself today?