I'm ready.  Closing out first half 2020...

I'm ready.  Closing out first half 2020...

Mar 07, 2021

it's JUNE 30th...

the last day of our intentional 30 -day cleansing...

I don't know about all of you, but I had good days and bad days. Organized days and forgetful days. Happy days and sad days.

✅It's the detoxing. And whether we followed fully, or even a little, being intentional about releasing those things that are wreaking havoc on our mind and bodies is so very important!

When I thought of cleansing right now , this month, in the midst of the chaos of the world, I just felt an alignment in knowing that half of 2020 is over...and that I'm going to come out of intentional detoxing into the second half of this year.  It made me think!

These are those moments we need to grab and savor....

Find a quiet place💜

Put one of your fave oils in your diffuser💜

Pick up your journal💜.

This is your next assignment ...I am sharing from a team member who share in a community call earlier this month...

❤️What are you leaving behind from the first half of 2020?

❤️How are you showing up for the second half of 2020?

Breathe in. Breathe out. Own your life.

Munisha xx