I'm dreaming of a jet plane + morning ritual...

I'm dreaming of a jet plane + morning ritual...

Mar 07, 2021

I'm dreaming of a jet plane...

So I don’t know about you, but the word “grounded” means a lot to me.

It means that I am in touch with the earth and feeling the energy through my body.

It means that I can and will be able to deal with days emotions that comes my way.

It means I am feeling steady in life and in my self worth, I am mentally strong, I am enough.

Well those are big statements but here’s the thing. I have figured out a one way, a secret morning recipe to start my day feeling grounded….because why wouldn't I start each day this way?! it's working for me. 

SO if I want to have a grounded day….I start before my feet even hit the ground. The sun wakes me up. I don’t use an alarm clock unless I need to get up before 7am. 

  1. I wake up and lie on my back. Eyes still closed, I do some deep breathing. 5 seconds in , 10 seconds out. Repeat. Over time I’ve learned how long I need to do this. How do I explain it? I keep going until my mind is so clear, my heart is so still.
  2. And then I arise gently without disturbing the calm, and apply 2 drops of balance to the souls of my feet (cue my favorite grounding blend!). 
  3. Back into bed on my back, eyes closed, one more round of breathing exercises. 5 seconds in , 10 seconds out. I can hear my pattern. I intuitively know how long I should continue. Body is slowed down and become so still. 
  4. Keeping my eyes closed. I repeat that mantra in my head. The one that works best for me, right now, in this season of my life when I''m juggling so much. “I am enough. I am enough. I am enough.” Or maybe it's a day when I need a different reminder "I am grateful. I am grateful. I am grateful." It's my personal mantra I'm sending through my body. I repeat it 10 times, gently waking each finger as I count.
  5. With fingers awake, I cup my hand over my nose and mouth, and take that moment to inhale the remaining balance drops that are still on my hands, I inhale until I can’t anymore. Until my lungs are so full of air and power of the oils . And then. I exhale everything out. This is another long breath. I empty my lungs, I empty my body. And open my eyes. Morning meditation wakeup ritual complete.

What’s your a.m. ritual? I don’t know about you but calling it a ritual feels official. And knowing it’s the ritual that works for me makes it mine. All mine.

So most days I can do this. I can tell you I wake up feeling grounded. How do I know it works? Well on those days when I went to bed too late , a bottle of balance is not near my bed, or I’ve jumped out of bed because the dog wakes me up before my ritual, I’m a little wonky. 

Yes, I have a back up plan, I’ve learned to re-set my self with my stretching ritual….more on that later. 

A ritual isn't one oil, it's isn't one breath. one stretch. It's that combination that I've set as an intention, to get me in a space to welcome peace into my day...and somedays we know are different from others, and we may need a few rituals to truly feel grounded. 

But you might ask, what’s the ritual, the one….the one thats getting me now, to fell the most "grounded" I’ve felt in my life? 


I am a travel junkie. Being a long time, “career expatriate” living most of the last 22 years abroad, traveling on the drop of a dime, friends all over the world, exploring new countries with limited restrictions. 

This last 6 months has literally kept us so grounded. My last flight from Shanghai on January 29th brought me home, and without warning, kept me home. We are home. We are staying put. For now.

SO that's why I'm dreaming of a jet plane. We are waiting for that next flight, that next adventure, but all the while keeping grounded in our minds and in our bodies. This one is out of our control. And just accepting that, keeps us more grounded than ever. 

Be well!

Munisha xx