EO for dental hygiene

EO for dental hygiene

Mar 07, 2021

Essential oils have a long history of use in a variety of oral applications. Research has shown that aromatic compounds are a simple way to ease the stress and anxious feelings that often accompany trips to the dentist for many people, young and old alike. They possess several properties that make them a perfect complement to your daily brushing and flossing.


A consistent oral and dental hygiene regimen is not only superficial—affecting the look, feel, and smell of your mouth and teeth—but may have direct implications on your overall health. Countless studies have linked dental health habits with cognitive, cellular, and even cardiovascular health1-3. While there are many factors in oral health, not the least of which is your diet, the American Dental Association suggests that the foundation is what you do first thing in the morning and the last thing before bedtime: brushing and cleaning between your teeth, and rinsing your mouth. With their cleansing properties, essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to improve the efficacy of your routine.

How to Use Essential Oils to Support Oral and Dental Health

  1. Brush twice a day, every day. The type of toothpaste you use is important, but several essential oils can provide added cleansing properties. If you don’t have doTERRA On Guard® Natural Whitening Toothpaste at home, try adding a single drop of Basil, Cinnamon Bark, or Clove to your regular toothpaste4.
  3. Whether flossing or using alternatives such as oral irrigators, it is important to remove debris from areas that are difficult to reach with normal brushing. For ultimate cleansing power, try soaking floss in a cup filled with warm water and a few drops of Melaleuca or Lemongrass before using5.
  5. Research has shown that mouthwashes containing essential oils may be more effective for supporting oral hygiene than those containing more conventional active ingredients such as cetylpyridinium chloride. To freshen breath and promote healthy-looking teeth and gums, swish doTERRA On Guard Mouthwash morning and night after brushing.
  7. Chew gum. Research has shown that chewing gum may actually help to regulate oral pH balance, and even better if the gum contains cleansing essential oils6. A piece of sugar-free gum (like Slim & Sassy® Metabolic Gum) per day may not only support healthy metabolism, but also promote a clean and fresh mouth.
  9. Mouthguards are becoming increasingly popular, not only for sports, but to decrease nighttime gnashing of teeth. To keep your mouthguard clean and support healthy-looking teeth, regularly soak the mouthguard in a cup containing water and several drops of doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend, which has been shown in experimental research to be cleansing7.

With their cleansing properties, essential oils can be a perfect complement to your existing products at every step of your daily oral health regimen. Start (and end) your day with a brush, floss, and swish using the highest quality CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils to support clean and health-looking teeth, gums, and mouth.

Excerpt from doTERRA BLOG: Contributed by Dr. Damian Rodriguez, DHSc, MS